How Can I Maintain a Healthy Gut ?
Whether your gym is closed, you are working from home, or simply are finding comfort through comfort foods, many of us have put on a few pounds due to a change in life style during the past few months. Keep in mind however, that while unhealthy, highly processed foods certainly contribute to the additional pounds and bloating, the microorganisms in your gut are responsible for keeping your tummy lean and healthy! Another concept that has gained recognition over the past few years is the mind-body connection. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is linked to positive moods, increased focus and over all well-being.
what are probiotics ?
Probiotics are living microorganisms that are essential to restoring and maintaining your gut flora. They inhibit the growth of harmful bacterial, promote good digestion, boost immune function and increase your resistance to certain chronic infections and diseases.
There are two primary ways to balance the microbiome in your gut. Prebiotics, which help to nourish and grow the already existing microbes, and probiotics, which add living microbes directly into your digestive system.
The Western diet, high in dairy, refined sugars, and alcohol results in a poor environment for the survival of the bacterial flora. Instead, they provide an ideal environment for the growth of the kind of bacteria that is harmful to our bodies causing bacterial and yeast infections. Over time, due to modernization that has taken place on the agricultural front (farming, food processing and preparation methods), we now consume less than one millionth the amount of healthy bacteria that is necessary to maintain a healthy intestinal ecosystem. These deficiencies are linked to a greater risk of certain chronic conditions and illnesses. Poor gut health effects people of all ages, causing conditions such as diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, and obesity.
To maintain a healthy microbiome, a balanced diet is essential. Eat probiotic rich foods, as well plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain prebiotics to nourish the good bacteria in your stomach and digestive system. Along with consuming nutrient dense whole foods, it is important to avoid certain foods that are harmful to your gut. Whenever possible, avoid highly processed foods, sugar, saturated fats (found in butter, cheese and fatty meats) and alcohol consumption. These foods should be avoided, not only for the damaging effects they have on your gut, but because they cause inflammation within the body.
prebiotic rich foods
Prebiotics nourish the already existing microorganisms in your body, so it is important to eat a diet equally rich in probiotics and prebiotics. However, prebiotics are found more readily in our Western diet. Foods rich in prebiotics include foods such as oats, garlic, apples and beans. These foods are also high in fiber, which act as a broom to clean out your digestive system.
probiotic rich foods
Foods rich in natural sources of probiotics include :
plain yogurts with live cultures
fermented vegetables

Eating the right foods at all times can be difficult sometimes. That is why probiotics are also available as a supplement, which contains live cultures of all the beneficial bacteria for supreme gut health. If you think you could benefit from taking probiotics, be sure to ask about them during your next visit.
Live Well Chiropractic has our own probiotic blend, to ensure that you are getting your daily dose of probiotics. While most store bought probiotics contain only 5-10 billion CFU (colony forming units) with 2-4 probiotic strains, Live Well’s probiotic blend contains 25 billions CFU with 12 different strains. We have listed the strains that are found in our supplement below:
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifiidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacilus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus salivarius, Bifiidobacterium longum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus paracasei,
Bifidobacterium lactis and Bifidobacterium breve.
As always, remember that for your body to function optimally, the most important part of the regimen is your adjustment. Misalignment of the bones in your spine can prevent your digestive system from functioning optimally, so along side with a balanced diet, and positive mindset, be sure to be consistent with your chiropractic adjustments!